Absent Dads Affect Children's Lives
Real life Issues and struggles of children with no father in the home
Incarcerated fathers provide limited guidance for children.
Fathers In the Home Help To Prevent Children From Going A Stray
The issue of no father in the home is not new. The issue is how can that father influence and guide their children if they are away, extremely ill, or incarcerated. The most difficult of these issues appears to be men who are incarcerated. Incarcerated fathers present problems that families never planned or anticipated,yet they sometimes become a reality. In cases where there are no fathers in the home, the streets become their father, guiding force, and advisor. Too often in such cases , the streets produces unwanted results.
Mothers do an excellent job in rearing children;however, fathers cannot justify their non involvement in their children lives. Male children in particular need the influence and guidance of a father. Fathers who are present in the home, but uninvolved in the lives of their children are indeed an "absent dad". Absents does not always mean physically removed. Fathers who are in the home, but not involved in a child's life, are more removed than a father who is physically removed from his family. Boys need to be involved with a male figure. The communication between a father and his son should be a life long bond. Likewise, boys lives are fuller and stronger if both parents are involved --father and mother.
For more informations on fathers see Dads